We can provide bespoke consultancy support for fracture modelling projects. This can include building and calibrating fracture models, using Dynamic Fracture Model Generator or other software, or developing new models or enhancements to address specific problems. For more information, please email enquiries@jointflow.eu.
We can provide specially tailored training courses on Dynamic Fracture Model Generator or on understanding fractures more generally, comprising one or more of the following elements:
How to build fracture models using Dynamic Fracture Model Generator (hands-on practical experience)
Calibrating and using fracture models
Characterising fracture networks in the subsurface
Characterising fracture networks in outcrop (field-based)
Understanding fractures and fracture mechanics (classroom or field-based)
We can provide bespoke training courses in-house, and we will also run public courses if there is sufficient demand. If you have suggestions on what you would like the courses to cover or for enquiries about course availability and pricing, please email enquiries@jointflow.eu.